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Holiday camps

Our school holiday camps are packed with fun and games for children of all abilities using different sports as the themes for our activities. The core values of our camps are for the children to have FUN and be ACTIVE through sport each day.  


We have two separate age groups for our camps (4 to 6 and 7 to 11) with parents having the option to book either half a day or a full day at the camp.


The holiday camps will be advertised as a singular sport day such as football or as a multi - sport day.


PLEASE NOTE: October ½ term, Christmas Holidays and February ½ term camps will be held inside. Easter, May/June and the Summer holiday camps will all be held at outside venues. Children will need appropriate clothing for being active all day including trainers.


For children attending camps all day, you will need to supply your child with a packed lunch, snacks and include 2x drinks (a refillable water bottle is advised).


If your child has a medical condition please fill out this section of the booking form with as much information as possible. We would also be grateful if you could speak to a staff member about any medical conditions when you arrive at camp. 





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